KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Lms Selection Process For Effective Distance Education System In Organizations
Published date: Mar 19 2017
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed World (EBEEC)
Pages: 343-356
Towards the end of the 20th century, especially development of science and technology brought some innovation to some conceptual area such as education. In society, to build a quality and civilized life, education emerges as a one of the most important actors. Unfortunately, the rights in education of the every person in society may be delayed due to financial problems, physical disabilities, time pressure, geographical distances or any other reasons. Distance learning is a one of the method that provides education for people by eliminating these disadvantages. Since end of the 19th century, distance education has been provided with some methods such as TV, radio, mail and etc. Especially, in the beginning of 21th century; internet is widely used by everybody. New technological environment has brought a new opportunity for distance education.
Learning Management System (LMS) is the most important actor of the internet based distance learning that brings together educators and students for training. LMS allows to deliver materials, having assignment and quizzes and other educational activities. Whether educational institutions or organizations that are emphasis on the training of employees can use LMS platform. Every organization has to decide which LMS is suitable for them. Decision makers face to solve this kind of problems because every LMS has different characteristics and different learning process.
This study is focused on choosing suitable LMS for organizations by using AHP methods. Two groups of LMS, open source software’s (Moodle and Sakai) and commercial software’s (BlackBoard and Sharepoint LMS), are compared by using selecting criteria’s. These criteria’s are license costs, flexibility, security, user interface and prevalence of use. In the decision process, different weight ratios are used depending on their priority. The findings of this AHP Process are discussed.
Keywords: Distance Learning, LMS, AHP, Decision Making Process
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