KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The Examination Of The Importance Of The Thermál Panzió In Mórahalom

Published date: Mar 19 2017

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed World (EBEEC)

Pages: 225-241

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v1i2.659


Nowadays, when the fast-paced world is presented almost everyone's life, the role of the rest and the recreation is gettting more emphasized. It becomes more important to the people where, with whom and in what kind of circumstances they are willing to spend their free time, and how much money they are willing to pay for it. They can find recreation in countless type of tourism, depending on they wish to spend their rest actively or passively. The growing demand of tourism infers the growing supply of tourism and diversity too. Parallel to this the needs of the people who want to relax increase. In case of a tourist destination it is more and more determinative how they can offer various types and quality of services for their guests how they can cooperate in the region in the area or in the same settlement with other service-units, who can even be their competitors. Mórahalom in Hungary is a good example for that where the cooperation between the several service-units is exemplary. That is why I choose my research’s topic: analyzing the Thermál Panzió in Mórahalom. The accommodation service is an area where services are used by all age-group regardless of age and gender. Thus, the target group could include almost everybody. The purpose of my work is to examine the importance of the Thermál Panzió, on the other hand, to do the interrelation and relationship testing among the guests of the pension. The latter is done after the results of my quantitative research among the guests in the pension in 2013. My research focuses on three aims

A1: To examine the coverage -, the requisition of the offered services-, the price-value ratio of the rooms-, and the family-friendly nature of the Thermál Panzió among the guests.

A2: To map the relationship of the pension’s guests and Mórahalom (visiting of the city, knowledge of attractions).

A3: Examination of the guests of the Thermál Panzió (with whom, with what, and when they arrived).

Keywords: Tourism marketing, interrelation and relationship testing, pension analysis


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