KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Transformation of Teacher’s Body As Students’ Learning Medium at Non-Traditional Choreography Lesson in Malang, East Java

Published date: Feb 19 2020

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture


DOI: 10.18502/kss.v4i4.6490


Robby Staff at Study Program of Dance and Music Arts Education, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, Malang State University


Research is focused on topic concerning non-traditional (contemporary) choreography learning medium. Actually, this topic is still problematic because in one hand, teacher is positioned as facilitator but in the other hand, teacher is used as learning medium. Many assumptions have been provided to solve this problem. Assumptions are invisible and therefore, giving less controversy. This research attempts to review education phenomenology by deriving information from some experiencing dance art teachers. This approach explores problems behind contemporary choreography, which is in this research functioned as body-oriented learning process. Method of research is using qualitative descriptive that applies symbolic interactional theory. Main data are explored by observing actions of teachers during teaching-learning activity while the remaining is obtained through interview. Data analysis technique is interpretative semiotic. Result of research is explained in several sentences. Human body is basically not neutral because it is already affected by culture and local values that shape human’s personal characteristic and their method in expressing ideas. However, in teaching dance, body is needed as learning medium and therefore, quality of the body becomes important reference because dance activity is actually the expression of subjectivity. Contemporary choreography requires students not only to understand the body as a potential but also to be sensitive to the actual meaning of reality. Teacher’s body helps students to be aware with how to adapt with the current days, to improve self-expression quality, and to determine which part of the body that is already skilled. Learning contemporary choreography has allowed students to recognize which body part has potentials of being sensitive, interactive, and responsive to social reality.


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