KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
University Press in the Context of Intercultural and Intergenerational Dialogue (Based on the Materials of the Newspaper "Pedagogical University" MPSU)
Published date: Jan 30 2020
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Fourth International Scientific Conference Communication Trends in the Post-literacy Era: Multilingualism, Multimodality, Multiculturalism
Pages: 235–248
The article examines the problems of the modern print media in the context of intercultural and intergenerational dialogue. The article analyzes the current scientific literature and the opinions of leading experts expressed in the media on this issue. Large periodicals, as well as student newspapers, are faced with a lack of funding, their materials are not creatively different, and so they are losing their audience. How can the print media survive the competition with the digital media? This publication explores the solutions to these problems. Special attention is paid to the transformation of the university (student) press on the example of the Moscow Pedagogical State University newspaper ”Pedagogical University”. The publication serves as a link between different generations, timely notifying students and staff of the most significant events at the University and beyond. The editorial staff strives to make each issue of the newspaper suitable for a wide audience. The necessary approaches to the study of the student media problems are identified, recommendations are given for improving the work of editors.
Keywords: journalism, press, print media, University press, newspaper, student newspaper, student media
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