KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Paradigm Shift to the European Business Model. Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics Project. Study Case
Published date: Jan 12 2020
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries
Pages: 79–95
The multipliers of paradigm shift in economy are abundance, change of micro and macroeconomic equilibrium, and increased intensity in creativity at the level of economic processes. Authors starts from the hypothesis that in the field of economics and business, a number of enthusiastic approaches to paradigm shift must be taken with some reservations as functional market have their specificity, the public choice logic is very well represented, the idea of social learning is present more than in other fields and the principle of economic rationality has great applicability. The most important characteristics of the new European industry are: is based on three pillars: strong educational system, scientific research and high-tech; advanced research is an integrative industry; the results of the advanced research are an Open Source. The analysis is based on the quadruple helix logic, authors analyzing the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP). As development of a country could be based on few advanced research projects and it is possible to use this experience for the whole region, new engines of the European economy, will be: nuclear research, extreme intensity light research and astronautics, the new industry will develop a large range of activities and jobs which will modify the labor map and the relocation of large companies to Europe will be one of the concrete result of the stimulating the advanced research.
Keywords: Paradigm shift, business model, infrastructure, technological challenges
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