KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Built Environment Education Across Boundaries. The Case of Energy Retrofit As a Tool for Low Carbon Transition
Published date: Nov 19 2019
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference: Architecture Across Boundaries
Pages: 377–388
Since the 1990s, several studies have focused on the concept of Transformative Pedagogy as a strategy to foster inter-disciplinary abilities to rise to the challenge of sustainable development. Although the impact of these transformative pedagogies is widely recognized, their integration in traditional educational programmes is often neglected, specifically in programmes that develop future practitioners in the built environment(BE).In this realm,research has promoted the integration across disciplines as key element to build locally appropriate technological solutions to deal with energy issues that building and urban scales. However,the lack of inter-disciplinary training and tools necessary to support the understanding of complex problems within an inter-disciplinary context has remained an issue. This project deals with this lacuna by developing an innovative learning platform for knowledge integration in Energy Retrofit(ER).This paper starts with an overview of the methodological approach,which was used to configure the main structure of the cognitive tool (i.e., cmapER). Then, the results of the workshop which involved twelve senior researchers with different backgrounds (e.g. economists, architects, planners, engineers and project managers) in a mutual process of knowledge exchange, are presented. The main findings point out a set of new functionalities and properties of the CmapER as a cognitive tool that canstimulateinterdisciplinaryperspectivesinER.Thiscontributionrepresentsafurther development on the combined use of cognitive mapping technique and meaningful learning activities in the realm of BE disciplines.
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