KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Shennan Road and the Modernization of Shenzhen Architecture
Published date: Nov 19 2019
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference: Architecture Across Boundaries
Pages: 209–221
Shenzhensetsanexampleforrapiddevelopmentofurbanplanningandconstruction.It was the starting point of the most massive city-construction movement in contemporary China. In less than 40 years, many representative urban space and buildings on the mainmast-west highway—-ShennanRoad,have witnessed the for mation of the banded multi-center structural layout and the miraculous expansion of the city. Many of those iconic buildings are designed by Hong Kong or foreign architects. With the continuous development of the length and width of Shennan road, its broad and prosperous image is not only a symbol of the fruits of reform and opening up in Shenzhen or even China, but also contains the growth history of Shenzhen’s architectural modernization. This paper reviews and summarizes the changes of the urban fabric and the design trend of representative buildings along with the Shennan Road in different periods by the historical research methods. Combined with the transfer path of the city center, this study analyzes what kind of unique role the street and buildings act as in the developmentofurbanstructureinShenzhen,and expound what other urban functions and symbolic meaning they have. In the context of globalization, this article discusses how do the buildings designed by foreign architects change our city,thedrivenfactors behind the phenomenon of the design trend change. This research can make a supplement to the history and theory of the modernization of contemporary Chinese architecture.
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