KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Indigenous Character Found on European Languages in Foreign Language Course
Published date: Mar 31 2019
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Educational Science and Training (The First ICEST)
Pages: 45–57
Language is a mean of communication that plays important role in human life and its function is to transfer information and make social relationship as recently occurs in globalization era. As the limitation of capacity on formal education institution, it is created non-formal education to learn foreign language in foreign language course to help the program of government in making the nation smart holistically, both spiritual and nonspiritual. Therefore, indigenous character is needed to conduct the research in foreign language course as language relates to its culture. The aims of this research are to dig out indigenous character found on Europe language, its implementation and also the problems in implementing in foreign language course. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects are all the teachers in KBA UMM foreign language course using interview and observation to get data while the triangulation used are subject and method. The result shows that indigenous character found are represented in its culture. The implementation of those elements is seen on the activity of teaching foreign language, that are similar and different among Europe language the character education problems faced in implementing are two aspects, linguistic and non-linguistic. The linguistic problems consist of the leaners’ ability to learn foreign language whereas nonlinguistic problem covers the leaners’ attitude and behavior.
Keywords: Europe language, foreign language course, indigenous character, teacher
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