KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Effect of Competency to Work Effectiveness: Case Study on Women’s Principal
Published date: Nov 12 2018
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI-2018)
Gender equality is the natural equation or equality between women and men. If we look from the physical point of view, a woman and man are absolutely very different. When it comes to one’s job profession, woman tends to use 90% of their feelings and 10% logic, which is very inversely proportionate to a man, who uses 90% logic and 10% feeling. This research aims to determine the Professional Competence, Social Competence and Personality Competence to the Effectiveness of Work. The research method used is explanatory research and associative research by taking 83 female Principals, starting from Kindergarten level to Senior High School with sampling technique being purposive sampling. Based on the result of research that simultaneously affects the effectiveness of work program of female principals. The partial dominance of program effectiveness is the competence of personality, social competence and professional competence. The dominance of 44.1% (R2 ) can be explained by the model, while the rest of which is 55.9%, influenced by other factors outside the research model. It is recommended that, for future purposes, the female principals should be trained to become principals by the Department of Education and Culture along with Human Resources and Human Resource Development Agency.
Keywords: professional, personal, social, competency, effectiveness
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