KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Integrated Administrative Service Procedure, Infrastructure Facilities Toward Society Satisfaction of Quality Services as Variable Mediation (Study at Purwosari Subdistrict Office)
Published date: Nov 12 2018
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI-2018)
Integrated administrative service procedure (PATEN) aims to improve the service quality and service to the community from the aspect of time and the cost of service, and improve service quality and service closer to the community. This research is conducted at Kantor Kecamatan Purwosari – Kabupaten Pasuruan. The purpose of this research is to analyze and prove that an integrated administrative service Sub procedures (PATEN) affect significantly the quality of the attendant and the satisfaction of the community; the existence of indirect influence on the procedure of integrated administrative service (PATEN) against the satisfaction of society through quality of service; and the indirect influence of infrastructure against society satisfaction through the quality of service. This research is an explanatory survey research. The population in this research is 3,250, the sample used was 97 people who use the service at Purwosari Subdistrict. Data analysis used is path analysis. Calculation of the parameters was performed using SPSS program. The result of the research are as follows: (1) There are positive and significant effects between Subdistrict Integrated administrative service procedure (Patents) toward service quality (amounting to 0.315*); (2) There are direct and significant effects between Integrated administrative service procedure toward society satisfaction (amounting to 0.218*); (3) There are significant effects between infrastructure toward quality of service (amounting to 0.387); (4) There are significant effects between infrastructure toward society satisfaction (amounting to 0.236*); (5) There are significant effects between the quality of the service toward society satisfaction (amounting to 0.492*); (6) There are indirect effects of administrative service procedure of subdistrict toward society satisfaction through service quality (amounting to 0.155*); (7) There are indirect effects of infrastructure toward society satisfaction through service quality (amounting to 0.190*). These show that the infrastructures affect positively and significantly against the society satisfaction through service quality. The higher the service quality, which is caused by better infrastructure, the more likely it increases the society satisfaction.
Keywords: service, administration, infrastructure, satisfaction
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