KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Analysis of Development Strategy of Bio-fertilizer Market
Published date: Nov 12 2018
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI-2018)
This study was aimed to analyze the marketing strategy of bio-fertilizers based on product excellence, identifying attributes that affect consumers choosing bio-fertilizer, and recommends alternative strategies of bio-fertilizers. On business development, management will expand the sales area in each district. Samples consist of 100 respondents, drawn from population of farmers in Simalungun district who know about bio-fertilizer. Respondents were determined using purposive and simple random sampling. The survey was conducted through direct interview. Management of BPAM has conducted the marketing mix of product strategy, pricing, distribution, and promotion, but does not know the effectiveness. A scientifically conducted study is necessary in problems for the expansion of sales areas to measure the marketing mix and its influence on the decision, satisfaction and customer loyalty as BPAM ideas for follow-up. This study shows that the overall hypothesis is acceptable, in this case, there is a significant influence on the product, distribution, and promotion of the decision; there is a significant influence on satisfaction of products and promotion; there is a significant influence on decision satisfaction, and there is a significant influence on decisions and satisfaction to loyalty. Main attributes that influence the selection of bio-fertilizers are quality of the product, promotion, and distribution in order to win market competition. Companies must provide clear information about the advantages and how to use the product on the product packaging. Companies need to approach consumers through farmers’ groups, to do direct promotion such as demonstration plots and free samples.
Keywords: marketing mix, decision, satisfaction, loyalty
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