KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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Psychological Mechanism Explaining the Effect of HR Practices Towards Employee Performance (A Study in Public Higher Education)

Published date: Oct 22 2018

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education 2018 (ICE-BEES 2018)

Pages: 1160–1178

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v3i10.3200


Many empirical studies have used human resource practices and managerial practices as a predictor of service climate as an indicator of employee performance. However, research on the psychological mechanism that explains how up-to-date HR practices affect the high performance of employees is not yet widely explored, especially in the context of enhancing the quality of higher education management. The reason for selection of the object is the rarity of HR practices implementation studies in the context of higher education. The theory and research of HR practices are only a one-sided study on the side of corporate business interests. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of two roles of mediation variables ( job embeddedness and trust in the leader) on the performance of employees. The sample of this research is 250 employees of public higher education in Central Java. The data are processed using Warp PLS version 6. The results show partial support for the role of mediation variables ( job embeddedness and trust in the leader) on employee performance. In other words, to achieve the employees superior performance, is not only come from the implementation of HR practices, but also the management should pay attention to what extent employees have embeddedness to their organization and trust in the leadership. Further research suggestion is to explore deeper other variables that can explain the psychological mechanisms of HM practices to improve employee performance.



Keywords: HR Practice, job embeddedness, trust, Employee Performance.


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