KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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Supply-chain Analysis and Commodity Marketing of Chilli in Subosukowonosraten

Published date: Oct 22 2018

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education 2018 (ICE-BEES 2018)

Pages: 957–973

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v3i10.3185


Typical characteristics of agricultural products cause the complexity of supply chain problems to increase. This research aims to analyse and map chain distribution and marketing of chilli in Subosukowonosraten. This research used descriptive quantitative research design. Data processing methods used Producer Share, Margin and Profit Margin Ratio (PMR). The results show that supply chain of chill consisted of four types of chilli: red chilli type A, red chili type B, green chilli pepper, and red chilli pepper. The biggest chilli selling centre in the region of Surakarta ex-residency is Legi market. The biggest suppliers were from Boyolali, Klaten, Wonogiri, Sukoharjo and Karanganyar. In addition, suppliers outside of Surakarta were from Lumajang, Mojokerto, Pemekasan, Sumenep, Pare, Madura, Banyuwangi. Distribution chain of chilli trading in the region of Surakarta ex-residency consisted of farmers, collectors, big traders, wholesalers, retailers, and final consumers spread across seven regions including Sragen Regency, Wonogiri, Karanganyar, Sukoharjo, Klaten and Boyolali. Based on the analysis of producer share, the mean of market share was very good seen from farmer’s side. Market margin at each level of business actor shows that the highest market margin for red pepper was at direct selling from farmers to final consumers by the mean of market margin was Rp 12.000,00. The highest marke margin for red bird’s eye chilli pepper commodity was Rp 9.000,00 through marketing channel from collectors to small traders. The mean of the highest market margin was at collector level by Rp 4.000/kg. The highest profit margin ratio was at collector level by 1.58.



Keywords: chain distribution, marketing


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