KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

An Analysis on Business Feasibility and Farmers Income in Semarang of Central Java

Published date: Oct 22 2018

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education 2018 (ICE-BEES 2018)

Pages: 321–332

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v3i10.3138


Agricultural sector plays an important role in absorbing employments and providing contributions to the Gross Regional Domestic Product of Semarang. The purpose of this research was to figure out the income earned by the farmers as well as farming feasibility. The research object included four agricultural sub-sectors: covering crops, horticultural plants, industrial raw material plants, and cattle breeding. This research employs a purposive sampling method. The research resulted that the average land areas owned by the farmers of crops, horticultural plants and industrial raw material plants was 3,098 square meters, while the average ownership of dairy cattle, beef cattle, broilers, and laying hens was respectively by 9 and 11 cows as well as 7,970 and 1,900 chickens. Moreover, the research showed that the average farmers’ income of crops, industrial raw material plants, horticultural plants, and cattle breeders was respectively by Rp. 6,163,750/year, Rp. 10,886,610/year, Rp. 17,928,300/year, and Rp.71,346,250/year which were considered lower than those of formal sector workers with the Regional Minimum Wage of Rp. 2,315,000/month. However, different conditions were found for the breeders of laying hens and broilers whose monthly income were respectively by Rp. 2,773,878 per thousand broilers and Rp. 52,528,947 per thousand hens. To equally earn the income to meet the Regional Minimum Wage, the farmers of crops, industrial raw material plants, and horticultural plants should at least have the land areas around 14,500 m2 , 7.600 m2 , and 3,600 m2 .



Keywords: Income, Business Scale, Farmer, Semarang


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