KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Interactive Display as HKI Learning Media for Design Students (Case Study: Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University)
Published date: Jan 10 2025
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The Bandung Creative Movement 2023 – Enhancing Collaboration In Arts, Design And Craft For Sustainable Creative Industries: Technology and Art
Pages: 168 - 173
In the design learning curriculum, students are required to create design work for each course they take. As a person who works on art and design, students also get HKI (Intellectual Property Rights) courses that support works created in terms of protection law so that their work is protected from various kinds of detrimental actions such as piracy, imitation, and plagiarism. However, from a practical point of view, it turns out that not many design students understand the importance of HKI and register their work, even though the campus has facilitated it. Through a design method, an interactive display is designed to invite design students at Telkom University to register HKI for their work, with course lecturers as intermediaries and the faculty environment as a support system. Interactive displays placed in strategic locations can be an option for HKI learning media to provide motivation, information, and behavior change for students to care about and register their work with HKI.
Keywords: behavior change, design student, intellectual property rights, interactive display
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