KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Exploration of Raw Eggs' Packaging in Corrugated Paper Material

Published date: Jan 10 2025

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The Bandung Creative Movement 2023 – Enhancing Collaboration In Arts, Design And Craft For Sustainable Creative Industries: Technology and Art

Pages: 47 - 54

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v10i3.17895


Sheila Andita Design, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung

Tanti Indah PratiwiProduct Design, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung

Andini ‎ Product Design, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung


Eggs are a source of animal protein which is the choice of Indonesian people. Nutritious, easy to process, and the price is much cheaper than other sources of animal protein, making eggs a commodity that is always sought after and needed. Compared to the type of eggs from other poultry, the types of eggs commonly consumed by the public are chicken eggs. The distribution of raw chicken egg products starts from breeders, distributors, to retailers. This distribution chain triggers possible damage to the eggs. Common damage is cracked eggs broken. This damage will certainly affect the profits of those who offer this egg product. These explorations aim to study the basic packaging structure to ensure the safety of the eggs packed. The exploration results and concepts can be applied in designing egg packaging or any other fragile items that are packaged in corrugated paper-based packaging.

Keywords: packaging, egg packaging, corrugated paper packaging


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