KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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Tracing the Integration Journey: A Qualitative Study of Conflict Between Gender/Sexuality Identity and Religiosity Among LGBTQ Individuals in Indonesia

Published date: Nov 08 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference of Psychology 2024 (ICoPsy 2024)

Pages: 380–406

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i30.17529


Syifa Nadia of Psychology, University of Indonesia, Depok

Elizabeth Kristi PoerwandariDepartment of Psychology, University of Indonesia, Depok


The mainstream religious perspective that opposes homosexuality and cross-gender expression creates a dilemma for LGBTQ individuals, especially those who grew up with a specific religious affiliation. This can result in internal conflict between gender and religiosity. The present study aims to explore how individuals perceive and cope with the conflict between their religious status and gender and sexual identity over time. We used qualitative methods, specifically the grounded theory approach, which allowed for a focus on the process of theory formation and development. Six participants were selected using purposive and snowball sampling criteria: 1) they identified as part of the LGBTQ community; 2) they had practiced or were currently practicing a particular religion, and; 3) they were at least 18 years old. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis. We developed an “Integration Model of Conflict Between Gender/Sexuality Identity and Religiosity” derived from Cass’s Gender Identity Formation Model [6]. This model consists of the following stages: nonconform, questioning, conflict, exploration, self-identify, compromise, self-integration, and spiritual integration. Additionally, we observed how cognitive appraisal and attachment to religion as a community can play a role in preventing gender-religiosity conflict. This study provides insight into the experiences of LGBTQ individuals who also have a religious affiliation and may be struggling with conflicting identities. The model developed in this study can be used as a framework for understanding and supporting individuals going through this process.

Keywords: LGBTQ+, gender, Indonesia


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