KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The Implementation of Community Empowerment In Local Energy Communities: A Case Study

Published date: Nov 19 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The 1st International Conference on Creative Design, Business and Society (1st ICCDBS) 2023

Pages: 439–466

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i32.17456


Nicho Farhan Daroininichofarhand@gmail.comDepartment of Development Studies, Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Arfan FahmiDepartment of Development Studies, Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Deti RahmawatiDepartment of Development Studies, Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


The concept of a local energy community for community empowerment is one of the efforts to provide alternative energy for rural communities. One such community is in the Andungbiru Village, Tiris District, Probolinggo Regency that sought to bring to life this idea through the PLTMH unit by the Tirta Pijar PLTMH Group in collaboration with CSR PLN Nusantara Power UP Paiton in the Kampung Setrum program. This study aimed to examine the implementation of an Local Energy Community in Andungbiru Village based on an analysis of community empowerment outcomes. A qualitative, case study approach was used. Primary data were obtained from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with informants who were chosen by the purposive sampling method. Meanwhile, secondary data drew from the PLN Nusantara Power UP Paiton CSR document and other documents. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, categorization, data presentation, and drawing conclusions by employing outcome analysis, which were then tested for data validity using source triangulation techniques and expert validation. The results of this study describe how the implementation, decision making, management of human and natural resources, and response of the Tirta Pijar PLTMH group to problems within the local energy community, impact the empowerment of Local Energy Communities. This research concludes that community empowerment at the Tirta Pijar PLTMH has reached the highest (power-shift) level.

Keywords: local energy community, ladder depiction of outcome of empowerment, community empowerment, corporate social responsibility


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