KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Handwritten Signatures on Batik as a Branding Strategy and Their Effect on Consumers' Purchase Intention: A Case Study of Oey Soe Tjoen Batik

Published date: Nov 19 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The 1st International Conference on Creative Design, Business and Society (1st ICCDBS) 2023

Pages: 255–272

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i32.17440


Mega Saffiramegasaffira@gmail.comCreative Polytechnic Indonesia

Tatang Khalid MawardiCreative Polytechnic Indonesia

Michaela Benita ChandraCreative Polytechnic Indonesia

Kalya Vanessa NataniaCreative Polytechnic Indonesia


In the midst of increasing market competition in the batik industry in Indonesia, the role of branding strategy must be considered by every batik entrepreneur. The use of handwritten batik signatures on batik fabrics has been a classic, long-standing branding approach in batik, and as one of the batik houses that has been active for almost 100 years in Indonesia, Oey Soe Tjoen has also made efforts in their branding strategy with this method. This research aims to analyze the handwritten signature on batik fabric as a branding strategy for traditional batik fabrics in Indonesia, particularly Oey Soe Tjoen, and its influence on consumers’ purchase intention. This study implements a mixed-methodological approach which consists of qualitative and quantitative methods. The results are in the form of qualitative data on the handwritten signature analysis through interview and observation, while the quantitative data are analyzed as to its effect on consumers’ purchase intention, using the multiple regression analysis. Based on the research, the use of handwritten signature on batik fabrics has a significant effect on customer’s purchase intention. The objective of this research is to be a reference for more batik entrepreneurs in Indonesia to draw upon and further consider the implementation of handwritten signature as a branding strategy. This research aspires to also have an impact on increasing the competitiveness of the Indonesian traditional batik industry, locally and internationally.

Keywords: batik, branding, cultural heritage, purchase intention, textile


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