KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Minimum Essential Force (MEF) Strategy: A Systematic Literature Review in the Context of Globalization

Published date: Nov 19 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The 1st International Conference on Creative Design, Business and Society (1st ICCDBS) 2023

Pages: 158–171

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i32.17434


Muhammad Dhany of Research in Management, Binus Business School, Binus University

Lim SannyDoctor of Research in Management, Binus Business School, Binus University

Nugroho Juli SetiadiDoctor of Research in Management, Binus Business School, Binus University

Willy GunadiDoctor of Research in Management, Binus Business School, Binus University


The primary objective of this study is to perform a systematic analysis of research references associated with the Minimum Essential Force in the defense and security or military sector over the past decade (2013 to 2023). The current study examines the development trend of Minimum Essential Force research in these sectors using Google Scholar data. The current investigation employs qualitative research combined with the literature review process. It gathered data using the web crawling technique from the Google Scholar database. This study concludes that the volume of research on Minimum Essential Force from 2013 to 2023 can be described as consistently increasing. However, each article was published by a distinct journal. This phenomenon indicates that there is no established journal on this topic. In addition, development maps based on keyword co-occurrence are clustered into two categories. The research is limited by the content of the articles used, which were extracted from the Google Scholar database. In the future, in addition to conducting research with broader literature sources, the recommendations provided in this study can be used as hypotheses for in-depth, comprehensive subsequent studies. The findings of this study will likely be useful as a resource for scholars who wish to examine the Minimum Essential Force policy. The literature and bibliometric study on the issue of Minimum Essential Force is possibly the first systematic literature review carried out in Indonesia.

Keywords: globalization, minimum essential force, systematic review, national army, military


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