KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Intellectual Capital and Company Performance with Innovation as Mediation Variables
Published date: Oct 15 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 8th International Conference on Sustainability (8th ICoS): Sustainable Economics
Pages: 233–250
This study aims to examine the correlation between intellectual capital, innovation, and corporate performance in micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) located in East Java, Indonesia. The proxy for each variable uses a Likert scale measurement by distributing questionnaires to MSME actors. The research sample consisted of 125 MSME actors who completed a returned questionnaire, whereas the study population consisted of 500 MSME company players. The PLS 3 software program is used in the quantitative descriptive data analysis technique. The findings demonstrated that innovation has a major impact on business success and that intellectual capital has a considerable impact on both. Additionally, innovation mediates the relationship between intellectual capital and business performance. Increased innovation will eventually lead to improved company performance if the intellectual capital developed by MSME business actors is more focused on innovation. Specifically the speed and quality of innovation, such as creating new and high-quality products, high-quality services, and problem-solving strategies that are also more accurate than those of other companies. This research contributes to the implications of intellectual capital in the business world which can be carried out early on, in the sense that even though companies are on a micro scale, MSME business actors can manage intellectual capital well in creating company performance.
Keywords: intellectual capital, innovation, company performance, MSMEs
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