KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Intervention on Organizational Culture and Lecturer Performance in Banten Indonesia
Published date: Oct 10 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 8th International Conference on Sustainability (8th ICoS): Entrepreneurship and Creative Economics
Pages: 160–169
Institutions succeed because of their energy base, especially their faculty base. Therefore, lecturers are the pioneers and have a clear long-term commitment to the institution’s success. Only lecturers with maximum competence can realize such success. To optimize lecturers’ competencies, strategies are needed to improve them. This study intends to identify how such methods can improve employee competence. The PLS-SEM approach is used, along with descriptive quantitative methods with an associative approach. A total sampling technique was used to determine the sample from a population of 202 Primagraha University lecturers. The findings of this study support the initial premise, showing that organizational culture has a considerable impact on lecturers’ performance. Furthermore, the second hypothesis demonstrates that corporate culture has a substantial effect on organizational citizenship behavior. The third hypothesis shows that corporate civic behavior’s has significant impact on lecturers’ performance, while the fourth hypothesis highlights that organizational citizenship behavior can mediate corporate culture’s effect on lecturers’ performance.
Keywords: lecturer performance, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational culture
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