KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Creating a Comfortable Pesantren Environment and Food Independence: A Study of the Principal's Policy Implementation at Darussalam Guntur Coal Islamic Boarding School
Published date: Oct 08 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 4th International Conference in Social Science (4th ICONISS): Governance and Poverty Alleviation
Pages: 169–181
Pasantren was originally conventional, specifically dedicated to studying the field of Islamic science, however, in its development now, Pasantren has grown into various forms such as modern pasantren, integrated Islamic pasantren, and some are even equated with other Islamic public schools such as Iptidaiyah, Tsanawiyah, and Aliyah. It was observed that the students in several pasantren in Medan City and Batubara Regency of North Sumatra lead a fairly simple life and have simple eating habbits, and a lack of security often leads to the loss of personal belongings such as clothes, money, sandals, and other personal possessions. This research uses qualitative methods by conducting direct interviews with informants and then testing the validity of the data through the triangulation method – observing, interviewing, describing, categorizing, and proving the credibility of informants. Then, data were compiled and discussed and conclusions were determined. The results showed that the principal’s efforts in creating a comfortable pesantren environment have been successfully implemented through edusocial and agroecology and the results of the implementation of food independence policies in Pasantren Darussalam Guntur Batubara have been going well, but have not been fully realized and are in the process of implementation.
Keywords: pesantren environment, comfortable, food self-sufficiency, implementation studies, policy
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