KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Communication Strategy to Improve the Competitiveness of MSMEs in Tourism Villages in Bogor Regency

Published date: Aug 29 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Annual Symposium on Applied Business Economics and Communication (ASABEC) 2023

Pages: 181–188

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i25.16963


Dewi Winarni SusyantiDepartment of Commercial Administration, Jakarta State Polytechnic, Depok

Nining of Commercial Administration, Jakarta State Polytechnic, Depok

Narulita SyarweniDepartment of Commercial Administration, Jakarta State Polytechnic, Depok

Meisa SofiaDepartment of Commercial Administration, Jakarta State Polytechnic, Depok


Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of a country’s economic growth. MSME’s play a crucial role in employment generation, poverty alleviation, and equitable development. Typically operating on a limited scale, MSMEs require focused efforts in promoting their products. This study aims to strategize using business communication for MSME actors in Bogor Regency. The research method here uses a descriptive method that describes specific details of a circumstance, social situation, or social relationship. The research location covers the Bogor Regency area. Tourism villages were selected purposively, which were considered representative to study the use of business communication for MSME actors; MSMEs are required to be able to communicate both offline and online. Good communication can create strong product branding for MSMEs. Therefore, adopting effective marketing communication becomes a key strategy for MSMEs to acquaint external stakeholders with their products. This ensures a shared understanding and alignment of intentions toward the products and brands on offer. MSMEs can choose from various marketing communication strategies, tailoring them to the specific characteristics of their products and resources. In the initial phase, every MSME must assess market demands comprehensively, producing goods that resonate with the targeted market segment. Additionally, MSMEs can leverage their communication channels and participate in MSME hubs relevant to their business type. Given the increasing number of MSMEs inevitably, MSME players must be more creative and innovative in marketing their products.

Keywords: communication, marketing, product, strategy, MSME


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