KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Effect of Teacher Performance on the Quality of Education at State Vocational School 4 Kupang City for the Academic Year 2022/2023
Published date: Aug 15 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 6th Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (6th SoRes): Ethical Governance
Pages: 635–642
This research is supported by the results of the library study of State Vocational School 4 Kupang City construction on the implementation of the National Assessment in 2021, which has not reached the minimum standard of level 3. Also, the average repeat results at the end of the semester are in the academic year 2021/2022, whose classical intensity has not reached 75%. The data from the UN results in 2019, which are the standard for determining the quality of education in Indonesia, revealed that the State Vocational School 4 Kupang City buildings are in the low category. In addition, the average results of the assessment of teacher performance have not reached the maximum standard (good). Considering this, researchers found that there are problems that need to be addressed, especially teacher performance. This research aims to find out to what extent the performance of teachers influences the quality of education in the State Vocational School 4 Kupang City. The method used in this survey is based on a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques are used through questionnaires/surveys, observations, and documentation to understand the influence of teacher performance on the quality of education. The results of the research are based on a summary model test that obtains a value of R squared (R2), which indicates that the influence of the Teacher Performance variable (X) on the Quality of Education variable (Y) is 0.715 = 71.5%, meaning that the performance of teachers has a very significant contribution to the improvement of the quality of education. Thus, it’s concluded that the performance of teachers has a significant influence on the quality of education.
Keywords: teacher performance, educational quality and national assessment
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