KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Collaborative Governance in the Implementation of the South Sumatera Independent Food Movement Program
Published date: May 30 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The 6th International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICOSSH VI)
Pages: 242–251
This research aims to analyze collaborative governance in the implementation of the South Sumatera Movement for Independent Food Program in the South Sumatera Province. This research focuses on the management and utilization of assets of the General Bureau of South Sumatera Province, which is analyzed through the collaborative process adopted from the Ring and Van de Ven theory (1994). The collaboration process includes the negotiation process between the actors involved, the joint commitment to collaborate, the implementation of collaboration according to agreement, and the assessment of the entire collaborating process in the implementation of the South Sumatera Independent Food Movement Program in the ideal South Sumatera Province. Data collection techniques used include interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used interactive models, that is, condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawings. The results of the research showed that the implementation of the GSMP in South Sumatera faced several obstacles in the field, among others—beneficiaries are still focused on the main activity of obtaining income, so the aid received has not been optimally utilized. The assistance provided has not been fully adapted to the field conditions and the skills of the beneficiaries at each location. Implementation of the South Sumatera Movement for Food Independence in the South Sumatera Province requires synergistic, coordinated, and collaborative cooperation between the actors involved – government, private/business, colleges, the public, and mass media.
Keywords: collaborative governance, food security, South Sumatra, independent food programmes
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