KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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The Effect of Organizational Justice and Islamic Work Ethos on Job Satisfaction at Employees PT. Sunjin HJ. Serang District

Published date: May 17 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business Development and Studies (1st ICIEBDS)

Pages: 82–90

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i16.16236


Muhammad Khaeru Ageng Tirtayasa University

Moh. MukhsinSultan Ageng Tirtayasa University


This study aims to find out the effect of organizational justice and Islamic work ethos on job satisfaction at employees PT. Sunjin HJ. Serang District. This was a research that used descriptive quantitative methods. The results showed that (1) there is a positive and significant effect of organizational justice on job satisfaction. Shown by the value of t is greater than the t table (3.833 > 2.021) and the value is smaller than the alpha value (0.000 < 0.05). (2) There is an effect of Islamic work ethos on job satisfaction. Shown by the value of t is greater than the t table (5.568 > 2.021) and the value is smaller than the alpha value (0.000 < 0.05). (3) Both organizational justice and Islamic work ethos have a positive effect (69.4%) on job satisfaction at employees PT. Sunjin HJ. Serang District. While other factors (30.6%) also affect job satisfaction.

Keywords: organizational justice, Islamic work ethos, job satisfaction


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