KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Analysis of the Implicature and Pragmatics Force of the Carving Ornaments of the Mantingan Mosque, Jepara, and Their Acculturation to Surrounding Communities
Published date: May 09 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)
Pages: 201–209
The Masjid Mantingan, the second-oldest mosque after the Masjid Agung Demak, is located in Mantingan village, Tahunan subdistrict, Jepara Regency. The Masjid Mantingan was established in 1481 Saka or 1559 AD by Sultan Hadlirin, the spouse of Queen Kalinyamat. There are white stone carvings in the mosque that result from the influence of Hindu, Buddhist, Chinese, and Islamic cultures and have artistic value. This case study aimed to examine the implicatures and pragmatic forces of the carved ornaments on the interior walls of the Masjid Mantingan. Data were collected through observation and interviews with the administrators, visitors, traders, and the community surrounding the mosque. The data was then analyzed using contextual analysis. The study’s findings demonstrated that, pragmatically, the Masjid Mantingan construction prioritizes functional components over aesthetic ones, as demonstrated by the mosque’s use as a place of prayer, education, tourism, business, and socio-culture. The mosque was also constructed by emphasizing elements of implicature and pragmatics force, as evidenced by the use of ornaments drawn simultaneously from three different cultures, namely Islamic, Hindu, and Javanese. Cultural acculturation at the mosque also contributes to the development of socio-cultural aspects and the economics of the local community by preserving traditions, maintaining carved ornaments, and engaging in tourism activities. The Masjid Mantingan, as the precursor to the development of Islam in Jepara, is also able to adapt to become a historical, cultural, and religious edifice, a symbol of glory, and a symbol of tolerance among religious communities.
Keywords: Masjid Mantingan Jepara, implicature of carving ornaments, pragmatics force of carving ornaments
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