KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Pagelaran Pottery Village: Culture-Education Resin-Concrete Souvenir in Industrial Tourism
Published date: May 09 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)
Pages: 84–90
This implementation aims to develop resin-concrete souvenirs as a superior product for the pottery industry tourism in Pagelaran Village, with the aim of promoting cultural education and enhancing the visitor experience. Pagelaran Village, renowned for its heritage in pottery production and traditional cultural practices, faces challenges in preserving its cultural identity and attracting tourists amid changing consumer preferences. Consequently, this activity explores the concept of resin-concrete souvenirs as a method to convey the cultural identity of Pagelaran Village pottery according to tourist preferences. Implementation of this activity employed a mixed approach, combining qualitative interviews with local artisans and quantitative surveys of tourists, to gather insights into the village’s cultural heritage and visitor preferences. The resin-concrete souvenir prototype in the form of merchandise was designed by amalgamating traditional pottery motifs and cultural elements unique Pagelaran Village. Subsequently, it underwent user tests and feedback sessions to ensure their aesthetic appeal, durability, and ability to evoke cultural narratives. The resin-concrete souvenir prototype has significant potential as a superior product in industrial tourism. The integration of traditional pottery with modern materials enables the creation of products that are both visually appealing and culturally relevant. Additionally, tourist responses show high interest in souvenirs characterized by authentic and narrative cultural experiences. This implementation contributes to the development of souvenirs in the context of industrial tourism, emphasizing the significance of education and preservation of cultural heritage. Besides bolstering the economy of Pagelaran Village, resin-concrete souvenirs can educate visitors about the village’s cultural heritage, thereby encouraging sustainable tourism practices.
Keywords: resin, concrete, souvenir, pottery, pagelaran
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