KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Interactive Batik & HR Incubation for Art-Technopreneurship: Mantraman Village Pilot Project
Published date: May 09 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)
Pages: 76–83
The implementation of this activity presents an innovative approach to promote the sustainability of the Javanese batik industry by developing interactive batik designs and fostering human resources in the arts and technopreneurship fields. The research project undertaken in Mantraman Village, Pagelaran, aims to brand Mantraman Village as a unique destination embodying Javanese Cultural Village characteristics. The cutting-edge approach combines age-old batik techniques with the latest in digital augmented reality technology. By doing so, it aims to boost visitor engagement and offer a hands-on experience in the batik design process. This implementation also focuses on fostering human resources in the arts and technopreneurship fields. These educational activities are designed to impart both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, empowering individuals to venture into or further develop their own art-technopreneurial pursuits. Training programs and workshops are conducted to develop participants’ skills and knowledge in batik design, business management, marketing, and related technological aspects. This implementation methodology involves conducting participatory surveys, observations, and interviews with relevant stakeholders, as well as testing and evaluating prototypes of interactive batik design systems. The data collected will be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to measure the project’s impact on increasing public interest, improving the quality of batik products, and developing human resources in the arts and technopreneurship fields. The results of the implementation of this activity made a positive contribution through an inventory of interactive batik motif designs with augmented reality technology, contributing to the development of the batik industry in Mantraman Village, Pagelaran Village as an iconic tourism village branding. Through these efforts, the project contributes positively to the sustainable growth of the batik industry and cultural branding of the village.
Keywords: interactive, pattern, batik, mantraman village, pagelaran
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