KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Malang Mask Puppet Aesthetic Revitalization Entitled "Sodo Lanang Competition"
Published date: May 09 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)
Pages: 6–11
This research aims to revitalize the mask puppet show titled “Sayembara Sada Lanang” performed by the Malang mask puppet artist group at the Asmorobangun hermitage. The traditional Malang mask puppet show has been staged for quite a long time, 2 - 3 hours. During performances, puppeteers rely on memory skills and perform verbally or directly without using a written script, thus the length of the performance depends on the puppeteer. This research follows a qualitative approach, utilizing observation, interviews, and document analysis as research methods. The research findings reveal that the revitalization of the “Sayembara Sada Lanang” mask puppet performance involved reducing its duration from 2 to 3 hours to just 7 minutes. The revitalization carried out is a revitalization of local wisdom which seeks to reintroduce traditional culture to the general public, especially children. So that children get to know traditional cultures that are almost extinct. The duration of the show is 7 minutes by reconstructing the structure of the show, without changing the essence of the story. The The play’s story structure unfolds in stages, beginning with exposition, followed by complication, climax, and resolution. Additionally, the title features three types of characters: protagonist, antagonist, and tritagonist.
Keywords: revitalization, aesthetics, wayang mask
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