KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Navigating the Aftermath: Exploring Business Decision-Making and Family Recovery in Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia, After a Natural Disaster

Published date:May 03 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 8th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (8th SEABC 2023)


DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i14.16147


Liestya of Ciputra Surabaya

Stanislaus Adnanto MastanUniversity of Katolik Darma Cendika

Wirawan Endro Dwi RadiantoUniversity of Ciputra Surabaya


This qualitative case study examines the decision-making process of a family that experienced a natural disaster in Palu. The participants of the study were Mr. FP, the head of the family, and his wife, Mrs. VP. Primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with FP and VP conducted by relatives who witnessed the family’s gradual recovery. Additionally, supporting data was gathered through data mining, including pre -and post-disaster photographs. The family, like many others, faced an unpredictable and devastating event that not only resulted in the loss of their main source of livelihood but also inflicted deep trauma. The study aimed to delve into this family’s experiences when confronted with an unexpected disaster, exploring the impact they faced, the recovery process they undertook, and the factors influencing their decision-making, with particular emphasis on the head of the family. The head of the family played a vital role in family dynamics, making their decision-making process of great importance. The primary objective of this research was to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of family members, particularly the head of the family, as they navigate the challenges of post-disaster recovery, specifically focusing on decision-making in economics and finances. By comprehending their experiences and decisions, the study sought to shed light on how families can rebuild their lives, particularly in terms of achieving economic and financial stability. Narrative analysis was employed in this study, as it allowed for an exploration of the experiences and decision-making of natural disaster survivors in a subjective and unrestrictive manner. This analysis enabled the capturing of the narratives shared by Mr. FP and Mrs. VP, the main informants, and facilitated the interpretation of supporting documents. Consequently, the collected data yielded rich and in-depth insights, further strengthening the findings of this research.

Keywords: resilient decision-making, natural disaster, family economy, recovery process, qualitative case study


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