KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Improving Library Services: From Information Services to Knowledge Services
Published date: Apr 04 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The First Annual International Conference on Social, Literacy, Art, History, Library, and Information Science (ICOLIS)
Pages: 496–513
Digital natives and the alpha-beta generation have different behavior from previous generations when it comes to searching for information. They are more likely to use gadgets in every activity of searching, processing, and sharing information/knowledge. This has implications for how libraries serve them. The importance of appropriate services for digital natives and the alpha-beta generation is because they are the nation’s assets in the future. The SECI model describes how knowledge is disseminated from, by, for, and/or to individuals in an organizational environment. The use of the latest web technology in libraries will further dynamize the organization of knowledge in an institution. This text is in the form of an idea prepared based on a literature review with a qualitative approach, describing how to improve library services from information services to knowledge services. Traditional library services only provide information as desired by the library without any analysis or abstracts beyond the data/information in question. The combination of understanding of ontology, semantics, and SECI models encourages an increase in higher service levels from information services to knowledge services. Knowledge services are developed from a combination of various data/information formats on the same subject linked to each other through multimedia visualization so that users get solutions/knowledge to the problems they are looking for. The development of knowledge services requires several related things, namely: technology architecture design, content, human resources, and future development.
Keywords: information services, knowledge management, knowledge services, library
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