KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Islamic Literacy: The Role of KH Ghalib in Islamic Preaching and Education in Pringsewu, Lampung 1930-1945
Published date: Apr 04 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The First Annual International Conference on Social, Literacy, Art, History, Library, and Information Science (ICOLIS)
Pages: 252–263
This research highlights the crucial role of KH. Ghalib in enriching literacy through Islamic preaching and education in the Lampung Province. The research methodology employs a historical approach comprising four steps: heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography. Primary information was obtained through interviews with community figures in Pringsewu who have in-depth knowledge of KH. Ghalib’s role in preaching. The research results indicate that KH. Ghalib was a reformist fighter born in 1899 in Mojosantren Village, Krian, East Java. After completing his education at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, he embarked on a preaching journey that took him to various regions in Indonesia, including North Sumatra, Malaysia, and Kalimantan. In 1927, after performing the Hajj pilgrimage, KH. Ghalib arrived in Singapore and from there, he traveled to Pringsewu, Lampung. KH. Ghalib established the first madrasah in the region in 1930, using an education method based on memorization and sorogan. Additionally, KH. Ghalib was active in preaching activities and managed various economic initiatives to support the operation of the madrasah. These efforts demonstrate the significant role of KH. Ghalib in promoting Islamic literacy in the Pringsewu Subdistrict, making a substantial contribution to the development of education and the dissemination of Islamic values in the community during the period of 1930-1945.
Keywords: Islamic Literacy, KH Ghalib, Preaching, Islamic Education, Fighter
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