KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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The Influence of Digital Literacy on Intention to Use QRIS by Using TAM as the Cashless Paying Method on MSME in Samarinda Seberang District

Published date: Apr 05 2024

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Brawijaya International Conference on Business Administration, Taxation, and Tourism (BICBATT 2023)

Pages: 521–537

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v9i11.15840


Kristin Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, Indonesia

Della Olivia Caterina KalangitBusiness Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, Indonesia

‎ SumintoBusiness Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, Indonesia


This research was conducted to measure the influence of digital literacy with an intention to use QRIS by utilizing TAM (technology acceptance model) as supporting technology. The object of this research is the MSMEs of Samarinda Seberang District in East Kalimantan. Data collection was carried out through a self-filled questionnaire with a closed statement structure to confirm various information and concepts that explain the intention of using QRIS in MSMEs among MSME actors in Samarinda District, Samarinda. A total of 120 responses were used in this study. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that perceived usefulness (X1) significantly impacts intention to use (Y); perceived ease of use (X2) significantly impacts on intention to use (Y); perceived usefulness (X1) significantly impacts on perceived ease of use (X2); and Digital Literacy (X3) significantly impacts on intention to use (Y). This means that the intention to use QRIS as a payment application can be created through the perceived benefits, convenience created, and understanding of digital literacy owned by MSME members in Samarinda Seberang District. In summary, the findings of this investigation lend credence to the TAM theory which has been tested by previous researchers.

Keywords: digital literacy, perceived ease to use, perceived usefulness, intention to use, TAM, MSME


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