KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Self-Service Technology Use by Older Adults: Moderating Effects of Need for Interaction
Published date: Apr 05 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Brawijaya International Conference on Business Administration, Taxation, and Tourism (BICBATT 2023)
Pages: 307–323
Changing face-to-face services to technology-based self-service can pose several challenges. This study aims to analyze whether the characteristics of elderly consumers who like to interact directly can moderate intentions toward behavior using self-service technology. Data were collected using questionnaires distributed to 204 elderly respondents in two provinces in Indonesia. The results showed that perceived usefulness of self-service technology is more important to increase behavioral intention to use STT than perceived ease of use. In addition, the influence of behavioral intention on self-service use behavior will be more assertive in individuals who enjoy face-to-face interaction. This study emphasizes the moderating role of the need for interaction in the relationship between behavioral intention and the use of SST among older individuals in developing countries. Self-service technology can be an alternative for older adults in developing countries to get services without relying on human services. However, the usefulness of service technology must be conveyed to consumers as service users. This research was conducted during the transition period due to COVID-19. However, future research, conducted in more normal conditions, might yield different results.
Keywords: self-service technology, older adult, need for interaction, TAM, developing country
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