KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Semantics Study of the Indonesian Language Based on Vocabulary Learning in Schools Which is Integrated With Students Discourse Skills: Syllabus Development
Published date: Mar 15 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Culture, Arts, Languages, Literature, and Education (I-CALLED)
Pages: 224–234
This research aims to develop a level 6 syllabus for the Semantics course at the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. The study materials of the Indonesian Semantics syllabus were developed based on the scope of vocabulary, namely the basic concepts of semantics, meaning analysis, and the use of meaning. The syllabus development model was developed using the ADDIE model steps by adapting its three stages, namely analysis, design, and development. Data were collected by analyzing the curriculum/syllabus/PKPS, analyzing teaching materials, filling out questionnaires to analyze the needs of lecturers and students, analyzing learning activities/methods, syllabus design, and syllabus development and preparation. The syllabus development stage was followed by syllabus expert validation. The results of the data analysis were carried out with a quantitative qualitative description using the results of the pretest and post-test. Through the validation stage of the syllabus product by curriculum experts regarding curriculum aspects (Yes 100%) such as presentation of study materials (Yes 100%) and syllabus completeness (Yes 87.5%). Based on the implementation, the pretest results were obtained with a sample size of 30 students, the highest score was 95 while the lowest score was 55. This pretest data has an average value (mean) of 73 with a median value of 71.5 and a value that often appears (mode) 65. Meanwhile, the variance found was 111.9954 with a standard deviation of 10.58279. While the posttest results were found with the same sample, the highest value was 100 while the lowest value was 70. This posttest data had an average value (mean) of 87 with a median value of 86 and a value that often appears (mode) 90. Meanwhile, the variance found was 111.9954 with a standard deviation of 10.58279. While the posttest results were found with the same sample, the highest score was 100 while the lowest score was 70. This posttest data had an average value (mean) of 87 with a median value of 86 and a value that often appears (mode) 90. Meanwhile, the variance found was 80.39195402 with a standard deviation of 8.966156034. The Semantic Syllabus based on vocabulary learning in schools and integrated with students’ proficiency has been prepared as “very feasible” (96.85%) to be implied in the lecture process in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Thus, it can be stated that the development model of the Indonesian semantic syllabus based on vocabulary language learning in schools and integrated with student literacy applied to students shows a positive effect/improvement.
Keywords: discourse skills, level 6, linguistic vocabulary, semantics study
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