KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Functional Typology Structure of Ethnicity and Culture Toward Regional Language Learning in Aceh Singkil District
Published date: Mar 15 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Culture, Arts, Languages, Literature, and Education (I-CALLED)
Pages: 92–99
Aceh Singkil is an economically successful area with many enticing tourist attractions, such as natural, ethnic, and maritime. This region, which is bordered by the sea and split by a major river known as the Lae Souraya, is home to several historical and cultural attractions. The existence of natural resources and cultural attractions persuades the local government to formulate the culture as an interesting package for the visitor. This article examines the role and resources of Aceh Singkil’s natural and cultural heritage that are currently, but not properly, used. According to this typology, Aceh Singkil has phenomenal tourism and cultural attraction spots, which include natural tourist attractions, art and cultural performances, artificial natural (engineering) and important cultural places, royal historical heritage sites, important spiritual sites, spiritual values, local genius, and traditional culinary delights. Following a field investigation, researchers found issues such as how to operate and exploit these cultural sites for sustainable tourist growth. What typology may be used to depict tourism and cultural attractions in Aceh Singkil? This study seeks to identify and deconstruct examples of operating and exploiting these resources for the development of sustainable cultural tourism, as well as to build a typology capable of representing Aceh Singkil’s tourist attractions. Theoretical and practical issues that indicate the uniqueness of regional ethno-cultural tourism are examined. Based on this data, experts believe that an ethno-historically based ethnocultural tourism model is required. Moreover, these findings and field investigations are critical to create an ethnocultural tourism model that pays special attention to the cultural traits of the Aceh Singkil people and national nature for both locals and visitors from other countries. The objective of establishing this model is to assist in the development and introduction of sustainable cultural attraction for visitors, the creation of new employment for people, the rise in sales of tourism and cultural products, and, of course, the improvement of tourism and art cultural infrastructure in the region.
Keywords: ethnocultural, ethno-historically, tourism, cultural heritage, characteristics of Aceh Singkil
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