KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Strategic Management in Agrotourism Development in Malino
Published date:Mar 19 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: IAPA 2023 Annual International Conference
The reason for this investigation is to see the administration methodology of the Gowa Rule government in creating agrotourism exercises in Malino. This sort of inquiry is subjective with a clear approach. The witnesses in this ponder numbered six (6) individuals comprising the tourism organization, agrotourism supervisors, and the community. Agrotourism administration centers on profitable plants with natural cultivating frameworks. Moment, the definition of a technique, in compiling an agrotourism advancement program, the Gowa Rule Tourism Office creates a program that includes collaboration with other organizations, the private division, and the community to bolster the method of actualizing agro-tourism advancement. Third, technique usage and the execution design of agrotourism improvement by the tourism organization centers on moving forward offices and framework to bolster tourism exercises. Moreover, it builds instruction for individuals who work as ranchers in arranging strides in the quality of agrarian generation as an agrotourism advertise. Fourth, evaluation and control, there are still numerous impediments to the advancement of agrotourism in Malino such as the need for a tourism protest administration budget which affects delays in advancement exercises that happen.
Keywords: administration, procedure and improvement of agrotourism, agrotourism development
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