KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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An Investigation of Barriers to Adopt Green Innovation Among Manufacturing Organizations in Vietnam

Published date: Dec 07 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The International Conference on Environmental, Social and Governance (ICESG 2022)

Pages: 521–554

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i20.14624


Thao U. P. PhamFaculty of Business Administration, FPT Greenwich Centre, FPT University, Danang, Vietnam

Nguyen D. H. NguyenFaculty of Business Administration, FPT Greenwich Centre, FPT University, Danang, Vietnam

Phu Q. D. LeFaculty of Business Administration, FPT Greenwich Centre, FPT University, Danang, Vietnam

Ny T. D. LeFaculty of Statistics and Informatics, University of Economics, The University of Danang, Danang, Vietnam

Tuan Q. DuongFaculty of Business Administration, FPT Greenwich Centre, FPT University, Danang, Vietnam

Tin Q. PhamFaculty of Statistics and Informatics, University of Economics, The University of Danang, Danang, Vietnam


This research aims to identify the main barriers to green innovation in Vietnam manufacturing organizations. This study began by reviewing the relevant literature and providing a solid theoretical framework to understand the determinants of green innovation for manufacturing firms in the global context. It also helps internal and external stakeholders figure out what influence and how to implement green innovation more efficiently by removing all impediments. Additionally, this article is considered a valuable and rational evidence for prioritizing and directing innovation policies in the manufacturing industry. Based on numerical data from 143 employees at middleand upper-level managers among manufacturing companies around Vietnam, the study found that deficiency of financial resources primarily significantly impacts green innovation adoption, followed by the uncertainty of market demand and lack of government support. However, with limited observations, the investigation did not observe the dynamic effect of green innovation over periods and only focused on the manufacturing sector instead of different industries for generalizing the research results. Moreover, the circumstances of green innovation would be diverse in other nations.

Keywords: green innovation, manufacturing organizations, government supports, financial barriers, market barriers


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