KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Customer Service Training for Al-Hadi Vocational High School Students in the Framework of Improving Maqashid Syariah-based Competence
Published date: Oct 30 2023
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 5th Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (5th SoRes)
Pages: 1331–1340
Maqāid al-Syar’ah needed a restoration that can be done by fixing thoughts that are increasing. In achieving the vision of Al-Hadi Vocational School, it is necessary to increase the competence of students majoring in Islamic banking with customer service occupations. Based on the results of discussions with the Al-Hadi Vocational School, the identification of the problems that currently arise is that there are no special subjects in Customer Service, so there needs to be an interesting learning strategy for students; the absorption capacity of graduates of SMK Al-Hadi students is still limited. The purpose of this study was to conduct training for students of SMK Al-Hadi to help improve Maqashid Sharia-based competencies in students. The activity that will be carried out is the transformation of knowledge in the form of training. The training participants will be given a debriefing related to CSR that is adapted to the Maqhasid Syariah. The use of innovation indicators in the CSR KSPPS are competency tests, product innovations, processes, positions, and paradigms that will facilitate the training and mentoring process. The results of this training are providing training on the orientation/introduction of Sharia contracts for financing and financing transactions following Maqashid Syari’ah; providing training or orientation about cooperatives and providing training on how to deal with funding and financing customers. The customer service training provided is also in the form of basic operational concepts of KSPPS financial institutions based on Maqashid Syariah and the basic concepts of the customer service process at KSPPS Financial Institutions.
Keywords: competency, Maqashid Sharia, student
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