KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Study of the Impact of Establishing a Special Economic Zone Policy for Sorong, Southwest Papua

Published date: Oct 02 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 1st Doctoral International Conference 2023

Pages: 666–674

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i17.14167


Rustan . -


The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the Sorong Special Economic Zone Policy in Southwest Papua. The research approach used in this study is a library research, where data is gathered from various library sources such as books, journals, online platforms, and other relevant resources. The data analysis process involves data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and verification. The study reveals that the Sorong Special Economic Zone is the first of its kind in Papua, covering an area of 523.7 hectares, strategically located on international trade routes in the Asia-Pacific and Australia. The policy aims to attract investments totaling IDR 32.2 trillion and create job opportunities for 15,024 workers by the year 2025. The Sorong Special Economic Zone offers various investment opportunities, categorized into three main zones: logistics, industrial, and export processing. As a recommendation, the study suggests efforts to actively involve local human resources in the development of the Sorong Special Economic Zone. Rather than being mere spectators, the study proposes the establishment of a national-scale Job Training Center in the Sorong area to enhance the skills and knowledge of local human resources across all industrial sectors in Southwest Papua. This approach can contribute to the growth of qualified and competent human resources in the region. To ensure the success of the Sorong Special Economic Zone, the study emphasizes the importance of active engagement and preparation of the local community. This preparation includes enhancing their knowledge, skills, and understanding of economic institutions, which can lead to more qualified and capable human resources in the future.

Keywords: policy, special economic zone, Sorong


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