KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Recruitment of Non-State Civil Servant Human Resources in Local Governments in Indonesia

Published date: Oct 02 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 1st Doctoral International Conference 2023

Pages: 628–646

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i17.14156


Raehana Rahman -


Despite the government’s ban on hiring non-civil servant employees (ASN), the number of non-ASN employees is increasing. In November 2023, the government plans to remove the non-ASN status, but there are concerns that this policy may not be appropriate as there are no clear solutions for the fate of non-ASNs and the fulfillment of human resources for efficient public services. The research aims to explore non-ASN recruitment methods in the regions and propose alternatives to the government’s plan of removing non-ASN status to improve existing regulations. The research adopts a qualitative approach in a systemic review. Findings indicate that the recruitment of non- ASN employees lacks regulation in the ASN Law, leading to unprofessional practices, collusive tendencies, and nepotism. It also provides a simpler and more accessible pathway to employment with lower salaries. Lack of proper controls and sanctions enables regional heads to appoint non-ASN employees, despite the prohibition. To address the issue, strategic steps should be taken in organizing non-ASN employees in the regions. This can be achieved by fulfilling non-ASN needs based on workload analysis, establishing regulations for recruitment patterns, implementing innovative non-ASN management applications, updating the BKN database by deleting non-ASN records, and revising PP 49 of 2018.

Keywords: non-ASN: honorary staff, honorary registration, recruitment


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