KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Evaluation of the Proactive Recruitment Program Innovation of the Indonesian National Police

Published date: Oct 02 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 1st Doctoral International Conference 2023

Pages: 336–347

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i17.14127


Fadly Samad -


The practice of evaluating innovation is conducted with the aim to improve programs so that they are sustainable and able to deal with the complexities of modernization and resource constraints. The evaluation of innovative proactive recruitment programs in the Indonesian National Police, using the concept of innovation evaluation proposed by Westley and Antadze (2012) indicates the program’s success. This can be seen through the rapid development of technology and information that can be utilized to support modern organizational capacity building through recruitment. Proactive members of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) and the Service Improvement Force (POLRI) then involves and collaborates with all elements. This is because acceleration of service cannot be achieved by one party alone. Following from this, the concept of ’pentahelix’ development, in which elements of government, society or communities, academics, entrepreneurs, and the media unite to build togetherness in the success of proactive recruitment. The last dimension, which is the new approach, emphasizes the modernization of police technology in all regional units. An aspect of this modernization is the improvement of the data-based and information technology-based member recruitment system (POLRI). This system is integrated from the center to the Polres level and includes online system registration applications, proactive recruitment applications, academic potential tests and psychological evaluations. This was previously done using computer answer sheets (LJK), which were changed using a computer aided selection method Computer Assisted Test (PAINT) to obtain a minimum standard of basic competence.

Keywords: innovation evaluation, proactive, police members


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