KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Enhancing Religious Life for Positive Impact on Narcotics Offenders in Penalty Institutions
Published date: Sep 26 2023
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Science (Iconais)
Pages: 599–607
Religious behavior is a theological construction. Religious institutions are greatly influenced by factors including ignorance and ignorance of the human ability to deal with certain problems and the scarcity of resources that can provide satisfactory answers. Thus, religious behavior is a form of response or action against the teachings of religion that is adhered to or believed. Religion is one of the factors that can change a person to have a better personality, while it is also a life-guide to follow the right path. Religion can reassure one’s soul and mind psychologically and physically. Religious people perform religious activities based on the theological system. Fundamentally, the theological system will be maintained by its adherents. Religion refers to the behavior of someone who understands their God in various ways according to their socialization. Thus a psychological approach can be used in various ways, one of which is rehabilitation for narcotics abuse. Some narcotics abusers, according to research, have unfavorable mental conditions characterized by aggression, restlessness, and loss of self-confidence. To overcome these conditions they need services which can aid recovery both physically and mentally. Psychological approaches to Islamic studies can play a role in therapy through methods like prayer therapy, Al-Quran reading therapy and giving advice based on religious teachings. With the psychological approach used in rehabilitation it is hoped that it can help people who are struggling both physically and psychologically.
Keywords: Religious Life To Give, Narcotics Confidents
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