KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Social-Religious Life Among the Elderly In a Petaling Village
Published date: Sep 26 2023
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Science (Iconais)
Pages: 581–588
Religious social activities refer to a group’s way of interacting with their environment and applying religious teachings to the social field. Like the social religious activities of the elderly who have good interactions and communication with fellow members of the community, through helping each other, mutual cooperation, and participating in KWT activities. The involvement of the elderly in religious activities ranged from praying in the mosque, attending Koran recitations, attending lectures, and managing the care of corpses and takziyah. In this study, the existence of socio-religious activities for the elderly enabled the elderly able to interact and communicate with the surrounding community which made them happy and less lonely. The elderly who are active in Koran recitation have influence over their level of religiosity, they are also increasingly diligent in praying on time, while those who usually pray at home now carry out congregational prayers at the mosque evolving into a habit. Researchers are thus interested in studying the socio-religious activities of the elderly in Petaling village. The purpose of this specific research is to identify the social religious activities of the elderly and to discover the effect of recitation activities on the social religion of the elderly. The method used in this study is a qualitative field research, while data collection was carried out using three techniques – observation, interviews and documentation.
Keywords: Religious Social Life, Elderly
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