KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Facing the Global Islamic Leadership Crisis: An Islamic Process and Modes Toward a Unified Governance of the Muslim Ummah
Published date: Sep 26 2023
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Science (Iconais)
Pages: 299–309
Data and facts show that strong political influence often influences the election of leaders in several Muslim countries. This can lead to a lack of democracy and transparency in the political system and increase the risk of corruption and authoritarianism. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2016, most Muslim communities in several countries, such as Egypt, Pakistan and Tunisia, were dissatisfied with the quality of leadership. Facing the global crisis and democracy’s future and its problems, challenges, and resolutions is broad enough to be presented and discussed thoroughly within the timeframe. It is essential to focus on a specific topic that might encompass this theme. There is an inquiry if there is a unified governance that the Muslim Ummah must observe and may be followed by the global community. How to solve the global crisis and problems of democracy in Islamic leadership? The research method used was qualitative analysis. In view of the above presentation and discussion, it is because of this conclusion that the Islamic process and modes, if properly observed, strongly influence to have unified governance of the Muslim Ummah. After the divine mode of having a leader as it was applied to the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, such is left to the Muslim community following the above-mentioned modes. Based on the above presentation and the need to realize the unified governance of the Muslim Ummah, it is hereby recommended the need to reexamine, reinvestigate, and to study in deep the educational system and curricular offerings of state colleges and universities to include the Islamic process and modes toward a unified governance of the Muslim Ummah seriously as a core subject following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and the four rightly guided Caliphs.
Keywords: Islamic Leadership, Islamic Modes, The Muslim Ummah
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