KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Strengthening Man 2 School Brand Image Through Visual Identity

Published date: Aug 15 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)

Pages: 252–257

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i15.13940


Fariza Wahyu State University, Malang

Novian Wahyu FirmansyahMalang State University, Malang

Pujiyanto PujiyantoMalang State University, Malang

Sarjono SarjonoMalang State University, Malang


Visual identity is a very important part of being in a company or agency. It serves as a differentiator from other companies. In addition, visual identity is also used to strengthen the image of a company or agency. Changes in visual identity include various types, ranging from changes to logos, visual elements, and other media. One way to make a product easy to recognize and remember is to create a good brand image. An image is the public’s perception of the image of an institution or company. In the literature it is also stated that an image is a person’s beliefs, ideas and impressions of something. A brand image is the perception of consumers who use the brand. The name change from MAN 3 Malang City to Man 2 Malang City would be enough to have a significant impact. In terms of the name clearly changed, it automatically also requires changes in visual form. With these changes, of course, MAN 2 Malang needs to strengthen the brand image of the school through the design of a visual identity so that it remains recognizable and also chosen by the community as one of the favorite schools among the public. When it comes to visual identity, it cannot be separated from the so-called ”LOGO”. If likened to a human being, the brand is a form of the human itself, while the logo is the face of the human self. In its later design, the new visual identity must be able to reflect the character of the school so that it can be different from other schools.

Keywords: brand image, visual identity, MAN 2


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