KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Diversification of Processed Tempe Products to Increase Sales Turnover and Local Wisdom Value in Thematic Tourism

Published date: Aug 15 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)

Pages: 111–117

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i15.13914


Kampung Sanan is one of the creative villages in Malang Raya, with various soybeanbased product innovations. Covid-19 has impacted the amount of tourists who come to visit, making production and sales turnover decrease. Before the pandemic, 4-5 groups visited Sanan Village in a week, or approximately 18-20 visitors in one month. This condition declined due to the PPKM enforced in Malang Raya and the prohibition on receiving large group visits, limiting it to only individuals and a maximum of 5 people per week. This condition encourages the tempe artisans of Kampung Sanan to be persistent in diversifying. The creation of various innovations by these artisans is to improve the people’s economy. Kampung Sanan always holds the Tempe Sanan Culinary Festival every year by displaying superior products, so it must always strive for new products that are uniquely attractive but still refer to the characteristic of Kampung Sanan, namely tempe processing. This article aims to describe the various product diversifications carried out by the residents of Kampung Sanan to increase sales turnover and strengthen local wisdom values. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation of the activities of the residents of Kampung Sanan. The result shows a lot of innovative products, including the latest one, processing soybean waste into silky pudding, crackers, or macaroni. Residents are also currently trying to process tempe characters in various shapes and models, which are not found elsewhere.

Keywords: diversification, tempe processing, sales turnover, local wisdom value


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