KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Caring for Schizophrenia at Relapse: Study Phenomenology

Published date: Aug 04 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference Health, Social Science & Engineering (ICHSSE 2022)

Pages: 331–344

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i14.13842


Obar Obar

Sifa Fauziah

Ummi Malikal Balqis

Sri Hartati


Relapse in schizophrenic patients is a challenge that must be faced by patients and their families being treated. Family, especially those who are caregivers, have an important responsibility in handling and preventing relapse in schizophrenia patients in all situations.. This study was to explore family life experiences in treating schizophrenia who had a relapse at Cianjur City. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Participants in this study were 6 families with the criteria of being a Schizophrenic family, caring for and living with schizophrenia for more than 2 years, and having a minimum high school education. Family experiences were explored through unstructured in-depth interviews and data analysis using the Colaizzi method. The results of the study obtained 3 themes, namely experiencing a heavy burden, needing support, being patient, and seeking God’s help in caring for. It was concluded that the families felt the burden for taking care of members who experienced a relapse. Nurses holding mental programs need to carry out visitation programs for families who have members experiencing recurrence and carry out health promotions related to Schizophrenia care.

Keywords: caregiver, relapse, schizophrenia


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